tiffany wayne


How I stay Inspired … and hungry!

Tiffany Wayne


A luxury photographer based in Southwest Florida for people who are excited about LIFE! I'm a wife and a mama who is wildly obsessed with pretty details, love stories, good lashes, and Schitts Creek.

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Hey hey!! This post is a lot different from what you normally see from me… In fact, you’ll be seeing more of these! I was chatting with my right hand gal, Nicole (I know you’re all familiar with her by now!)… and we were talking about staying inspired in the creative field. We are constantly shooting – but a lot of the same things! So, we decided to take it back a few steps… as in what got us involved in this photography industry. Taking pictures of every day things! So she hopped in her car and drove to Albany — Can I just side track for a minute — Nicole lives in Binghamton and drives over two hours to work with me and I’m just so grateful for her. Her dedication for the past three years has been amazing. Ok, back to post….. Anyway, my mom, baby G and I were planning on going to the Saratoga’s Farmers Market so we thought this was the perfect place to take it back to the basics!

The farmers market was so much fun! There was a live band playing and so many local businesses. You know I’m all about shopping local and supporting small business! And on top of that…the food… I wouldn’t recommend going when hungry. So one surprise I found when I got home….a BEE (yes, the things I hate!) ended up in one of my photos! You’ll see it below. Also, side note- taking pictures when wearing a hat is hard. After we strolled around the famers market- we went to Farmer’s Hardware for lunch! I got the dragon bowl with a side of fries. You guys. Seriously, it was the best food of my life. My tastebuds are wondering when I’m going to repeat the party! Maybe next weekend!

Here are a few things I’ve discovered that help keep me inspired:

1.) Take it back to the beginning. What made you get involved in your creative field in the first place? Do more of THAT.

2.) Take five or ten or however much time you need. Refueling is crucial to keep your brain fresh! Even if you’re in the middle of the project. If you’re feeling stumped- that’s your brain telling you to take five.

3.) Eat yummy food (preferably with good company!) Something about eating food is just so enjoyable. I find that with good food and good company some of my best ideas come from the time spent together…

4.) Laugh. If you’re feeling good and happy…the ideas will come. You can’t create from a negative headspace.

5.) Write. It doesn’t even have to make sense. Just get the gibberish out of your head. A clear head keeps your heart feeling full.

Hope you enjoy our little photo story from the Farmers Market!



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In October 2021, our family took a giant leap of faith and moved to Southwest Florida. Mainly to be closer to family, but also for the amazing opportunity to run my business in two states I love.

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