tiffany wayne


Preparing for your Session

Tiffany Wayne


A luxury photographer based in Southwest Florida for people who are excited about LIFE! I'm a wife and a mama who is wildly obsessed with pretty details, love stories, good lashes, and Schitts Creek.

Beach Sessions
For Parents

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Sometimes it can be overwhelming to plan for your upcoming shoot. Perhaps the biggest question is – “What should I wear?!”  Below I’ve listed some pro tips on what photographs best in front of the lens!

I. Pick your vibe. This means looking through Pinterest or Instagram to help steer the direction of the shoot. Are you thinking trendy or classic? This sets the tone for everything to come.

II. Think about your shoot location. What makes sense? Are you on the beach or on location? 

Ideas for the Beach: 

My style is very light, bright and airy – With that in mind, here are some color palette options that best compliment this style:

Please Select from the Following Colors

White and ivory tones, oatmeal, linen, natural, light heather gray, very pale denim, light pastels, pale earth tones 

Ideas for Females: Long flowy maxi dress, t-length or long skirt etc…

Ideas for Males: Shorts with a short sleeve button down, henley t-shirt, or crew neck t-shirt (No golf polos, please!)

Ideas for Kids: Dresses, shorts/t-shirt etc… 

** Please stay away from patterns! Solid colors only! **

Ideas for shooting on Location

Generally speaking, you can get a little more creative with your wardrobe on location. You can play off textures and tones and layers depending on where you’re shooting! Below you will see how we played into textures and earth tones for this beautiful family’s session!

III. Get GLAM! No, really. Schedule a hair and makeup appointment. If you opt to do your makeup yourself, a pair of lashes go a long way! And, don’t forget a mani/pedi, too!

IV. Coordinate, but don’t match. We don’t want you all to look like twins, but we definitely want you to compliment each other.

V. What to Expect? Now that we got you all prepped and looking ahhh-mazing – let’s chat about what to expect. Sessions typically last around 60 minutes. I will encourage a lot of interaction, so get your one-liners ready! Most importantly….Be prompt! The light will not wait for us!

Following the session, your online gallery will be ready within approximately two weeks

Sending Sunshine,


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In October 2021, our family took a giant leap of faith and moved to Southwest Florida. Mainly to be closer to family, but also for the amazing opportunity to run my business in two states I love.

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