tiffany wayne


How to: Share Your TWP Photos on Social Media

Tiffany Wayne


A luxury photographer based in Southwest Florida for people who are excited about LIFE! I'm a wife and a mama who is wildly obsessed with pretty details, love stories, good lashes, and Schitts Creek.

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I absolutely love when my clients share their photos on social media. I want them to show off how incredible they look, their perfect love story, or their adorable family! However, I’m not an overly techy person, so I totally get that sometimes the software that I (and other photographers!) send their images to you in can be kinda tricky. Today I thought I would write a quick blog about the best way to download your images before sharing them on social media platforms so that you look good – and the portraits we worked so hard to create also look good!

So, to get started… When I deliver your gallery, it will come to you through ShootProof and look something like this! (Side note, how cute are those pups?!)

gallery to teach sharing images on social media


To start accessing the images, you’ll need to log into the gallery. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to start reviewing your beautiful gallery on the main page here!


tutorial on how to download images from shootproof before sharing on social media


Now! Here’s where clients usually get tripped up because they want to share their images right away. But – there’s a really simple way to download your gorgeous images to be sure they look great on social media when you share them. The fastest way is to hit the download button in the upper right hand corner. The gallery will ask if you want to download the images so just hit “download all” and they’ll come to your email, where you can then save the images and share them! The best part? They are all sized and ready for social sharing!

If you don’t want every image, you can also go through the gallery and choose individual images to download by clicking first on the image then by hitting the “download” button right below the image.


screenshot of gallery to teach sharing images


Once they’re downloaded, then you’ll just locate them on your computer or phone and share like you would any other image! Having your beautiful memories clear and not as a screen shot you share will make all the difference, trust me!

Two more pointers- please tag/credit me (@tiffanywayne) and please don’t filter the images! I work hard to calibrate all of the images so they look great on all social platforms! As a small business owner, I so appreciate the “social” shout out! Thank you times one million!!!

If you still have questions about the best way to access your images and share them, let me know! I’m happy to help!


PS! If you want to see the session I used for the images in this post, go see it here! It’s absolutely adorable!!

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