tiffany wayne


My daughter made me smarter

Tiffany Wayne


A luxury photographer based in Southwest Florida for people who are excited about LIFE! I'm a wife and a mama who is wildly obsessed with pretty details, love stories, good lashes, and Schitts Creek.

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2017-07-19_0016Usually I save my super personal posts for Instagram… but I’m sitting here …and it’s late… and I’m working… and all I keep thinking is, “How can this little tiny beautiful human make such a huge impact on my life?” I mean, I know the obvious reasons. But beyond the obvious, one of the many gifts my daughter has given me is confidence. This may seem surprising to read because in some ways I am confident. But this confidence is different. I’m not sure if its because I’m a single mom/business owner…you know, a mom-prenuer. (Which, by the way, is the best title I’ve ever had!) She has this incredible ability to fill me up in ways I never knew possible. Almost like I discovered a whole new side of myself … and I really like this discovery. I’ve learned to embrace my face without makeup. That beauty doesn’t always mean designer handbags and cute outfits. In fact, some days beauty means coffee thrown in your face with a top-knot on your head. Sometimes it means wearing your shirt inside out or the same pants for two days… It means jagged unpolished nails and crazy cuticles when you’re used to the perfect pop of pink. I’ve embraced it all. But the best part? I’ve learned to love it all.

She’s taught me to slow down and think more strategically. To navigate every day with grace and intention. To be present. To build. To grow. To connect. To be patient. She’s showed me that laughter sometimes requires work. But that work offers the greatest reward. I often wonder, “How can I teach her when she’s already taught me so much in just 10 months?”

With my first Mother’s Day approaching, it’s crazy to think about how many gifts this sweet child has given me. And while I could write for days… the greatest gift she has given me- Well, it’s love.

I love you my sweet Gianna Marie.

Comments +

  1. Kate Seaback says:

    <3. yes, yes, yes to all of this. love it.

  2. Andrea Pavelock says:

    Beautifully written! Totally agree with all of this. I don’t know where I would be without my little girl.

  3. Sheila Elario says:

    So beautiful!

  4. Randi says:

    Love this and love you both! You’re a wonderful mama!

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In October 2021, our family took a giant leap of faith and moved to Southwest Florida. Mainly to be closer to family, but also for the amazing opportunity to run my business in two states I love.

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