Renew, Rejoice, Revive…It’s Spring!

Tiffany Wayne


A luxury photographer based in Southwest Florida for people who are excited about LIFE! I'm a wife and a mama who is wildly obsessed with pretty details, love stories, good lashes, and Schitts Creek.

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Spring. Birds chirp little sweet songs. The sun shines bright. Days are getting warmer, yet the nights remain cool. The sun sets later and sandals slowly make their way out of your closet. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the surrounding energy is on a steep climb. Don’t you love it? Summer is right around the corner! Most likely, you’re familiar with the term “spring cleaning”-well, this year I redefined that small phrase in a big way. It’s funny because I didn’t see it coming. It just came out of left field. By the way, where is this left field that everyone refers to?! Anyway…. Normally, spring cleaning means cleaning out my closet. Which, if I’m being honest, never really goes that well…I just can’t seem to get rid of a pair of jeans that I’ve had since High School! Wow… 14 year old jeans. I have jeans older than some of my cousins. That’s weird. Ok, getting back on track! If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter… you have probably noticed I have a serious love for food. I’m talking crazy good food. Foodie food. Like I will travel the world for the finest cuisine. Foie gras, venison, bacon wrapped anything, bacon on its own, pizza, Mexican, burgers, fried rice, crab rangoons, french fries dipped in gravy, ranch doritos, ice cream, chocolate, CHEESE-of every kind…fast food, processed food…oh my gosh I could write an entry just on food alone! These foods have consumed at least 75% of my diet for years! My jeans were feeling a little tighter, but hey, no big deal…I am who I am right? Wrong. Wrong! Wrong! Oh so wrong! And I wondered why I always felt so sluggish… DUH! I was crazy ignorant when it came to eating habits. I argued that my body had internal portion control…. haha…really? Who was I trying to fool? Anyway, my silly little food addicted eyes were opened when I watched the documentary “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” by Joe Cross. Admittedly, the film is a bit more extreme than what I was willing to become involved in…but it was a start. In short, the films promotes juicing. Cleansing your body of toxins by drinking homemade juice from nothing but vegetables and fruits and drinking lots of water. That’s it. One particular gentleman in the film (who was morbidly obese and knocking on heaven’s door) decided to take the juice challenge in an attempt to save his life. He went for 60 days on only juice. I thought, “That is CRAZY!!! Where’s my bacon at?!” But, I was intrigued. I thought, well, I can do a juice fast for three days. That should be long enough to get rid of some bad stuff and then after that I’ll make some “better choices.” So, Monday morning rolled around and I was excited. Then around 2pm I was ready to cave…and then I didn’t. 7pm…. It was best not to be in my presence. Famished. I decided it was best if I went to bed early. Day one complete. Day two… I watched another great film that really hit the ball out of the park, “Forks Over Knives.” This film presents scientific evidence that a plant based, whole grain diet  not only prevents but has actually reversed some of our country’s worst diseases. The results of the research was astounding. I don’t know what motivated me, but suddenly I found myself excited for a healthier life. I suddenly began to care what I was putting in to my body. I don’t know what made this time different from any other healthy eating attempts I have made in the past…but, I am so thankful. It has been over a week since I have adopted this new lifestyle. Some call it vegan, I call it healthitarian. This is the best I have felt in years!!! My energy is up and I’m sleeping so much better! I’m shocked. The biggest change… I am 100% completely satisfied with every single meal. I don’t even have any cravings! I can’t believe bacon lost this fight. 

Just a couple of my many delish lunches! All homemade and all organic! SO. FLIPPING. GOOD!

With this new way of eating, I have never been so excited to cook! And it turns out, I am a really good vegan cook! Well, with the help of these cook books…

And of course when you take on a healthier lifestyle, it’s only natural to get a healthy new hairdo! Bye-bye long hair!!! I will not miss you! Hello fabulous new hair! Hello spring!!!

Thank’s so much to my STRUT. Spalontique family for making me fabulous head to toe! And by all means, call my girl Brianna Costanza…she will make your hair look DOPE! (By the way, dope is the word of the month)

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In October 2021, our family took a giant leap of faith and moved to Southwest Florida. Mainly to be closer to family, but also for the amazing opportunity to run my business in two states I love.

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